Last updated February 29, 2024


Heal Your Money Blocks

& Create the Business, Money, & Success  Your Soul Desires

I'm Ready

🖤 Does it feel like no matter how hard you work, the money never seems to show up?

🖤 Do you feel an inner knowing that you have a genius business idea that will help so many humans but you're not sure how to bring your idea to life?

🖤 Are you feeling capped on your monthly income & looking to make more money in your life or business to not only support you, but your mission here on earth?


🖤 Are you feeling disconnected or blocked in any type of way around earning, spending, investing, receiving or selling your offers to make more money? 

Not that long ago I was struggling to birth the business idea growing inside my heart that I felt called to create & bring into the world. 

This business creation I felt within my heart was BIG & I needed to REALLY step into my power if I was going to birth this very new idea to help people all around the world. My intention was simple: I want to help people create a beautiful life for themselves. 

I knew I was made to create a beautiful life of my dreams by simply being ME. Using my unique money making genius & embodying my inevitable success while being paid, and being paid well for my genius. 

I took myself through a process of healing the money blocks that have been engrained into my system since the moment I was born. I made the decision to reconstruct, rearrange, heal, and see money differently. 

Creating money is the most spiritual & selfless act of service we can give to this world - & ourselves. Healing you money blocks is the fastest way to create massive positive change on this planet. Money is a tool to heal and create beauty on earth. 

Earning & using A LOT of money is not bad, evil, or wrong. It's actually our human-ness that thinks its "bad" or "evil' to receive money for our unique gifts & geniuses. Creating money is actually... easy. It's a part of you & you already have the answers you're looking for within you. 

Not healing your Money blocks stop you from creating the beautiful life, massive impact, loads of money, & success your soul is yearning to create - & let me tell you.. the yearning never stops until you ACT ON IT-.


The Hard Truth Is...

You are the only person holding yourselves back from making more money. You have all the power to create a beautiful financial reality for yourselves, your family, your children, & community. You need to heal your past experiences, limiting beliefs, & generational trauma with money in order to step into your Money Making Power. 

& I'm here to help you every step of the way create the impact, money, & success your soul desires creating powerful positive change on this earth 🌎. For the highest & best of all involved, always.





Tap into the infinite potential inside each magical container ✨

With each service, you will heal the old & outdated limiting beliefs around money, abundance, & success in your life and business. I will guide you through healing the deep rooted blocks within your energetic wealth blueprint and help you step into your full money making potential by embodying your higher self.

I believe deep within my core that you can have, do, or be anything your heart desires. I believe your heart is guiding you on the most epic journey to created massive impact & income for you to enjoy and live an abundant life while also helping heal the planet & humans you serve through your business. 

When you step into your full money making power, you help more people through your work. The more you show up with strong energetic authority & sell your services from a place of power, the more people you help & the more money you receive. The more money you receive, the more people you can help. You can scale your business, donate to your favorite organization, or hell - book the $250 massage you've been dreaming about for months.

Put simply: You living your best life = the collective living their best life. It is literally your job to feel your best and make as much money as possible selling beautiful services and helping beautiful humans in the way you know how to do BEST. It is your job to make a lot of money.

Are you ready to step into your full money making potential? 

Money Block Energy Healing


1 Month Healing & Coaching Container

We will clear whatever money or business block is coming up for you, & heal the energetic root using powerful 7D Ahai Energy.

  • 2 Private 60 Min Money Block Healing Sessions with Bre via ZOOM.


  • 1 Month Energy Integration Support helping you ground the new frequencies into your body. 
  • Unlimited Voxer Messaging To Bre
  • Money Date Call Recordings to keep forever
  • Money & Business Action Plan to move you forward. 
Book Here

The Next Level CEO Abundance Portal


3 Month Private Healing & Coaching Container

After 3 months you will quantum leap to your highest timeline creating the money, success, &  impact you desire through your business & life. 

  • 12 weekly Prosperity & Abundance Ahai 7D Energy Healing Sessions for Deep alignment and frequency shifts to each individual (7) chakras. 


  • Daily Support & Integration Practices to raise your frequency & ground into your higher timeline
  • Goal Setting Future Timeline Activation
  • Unlimited Voxer Messaging To Bre
  • Call Recordings to keep forever & reflect back on

💥The program is for the Divine Led Entrepreneur who is here to put their money where their mouth is, do the work, & make the shifts to alchemize their desires into reality💥

Book Here

7D Ahai Prosperity & Abundance Specialty Single Session


Single Session & 2 Week Integration Support

  • 1 Single 80 Min Session
  • Receive 7th Dimensional Ahai Healing Energy aligning all chakras  removing all low vibrational & dense energy.
  • Activate your intuitive abilities, raise your vibration, amplify your manifestation practice, unlock your wealth codes, and reactivate your cosmic DNA.


  • Recording of intuitive guidance & information around your money, finances, & overall life 
  • Hand written channeled Chakra Energy Report [Emailed]
  • 2 Week Energy Integration Support helping you ground the new frequencies into your body. 


Book Here



You are what I call, a heart-led entrepreneur. You are here to help heal the collective with your unique genius while being paid (well) to do so. 
I specialize in helping you heal the blocked limiting emotions, thoughts, & beliefs around money that are being held in your energy system. My healing techniques are designed to address the root causes of any money blockages that are holding you back from creating the impact & income you desire in this life time. 


By working with me you will gain the tools, support, and knowledge necessary to create wealth, prosperity, and abundance in your life on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally, & spiritually. I am committed to helping you unlock your full potential and achieve financial success on your terms. 

I believe business & money are the quickest ways to heal the collective for the betterment of all. This is an honor and I am so excited to hold the space for you to grow into the heart-led business owner you are born to be.