Creating the financial life of your dreams is not as impossible as you think it is.

In the span of 5 years, I created 12 streams of income with 2 businesses and 2 rental real estate properties to supplement my teaching income. Once I connected and realized that money flows easily and effortlessly especially when I am happy, in alignment, and lit the Fuck up with my daily life, it was game changer for me. I had zero worries and zero stress making my way out of the classroom & leaving my 9-5 job. We are not here to work jobs we hate for a paycheck, we are here to enjoy life and create the income & life we desire.
I discovered the perfect mix of combining your passions, talents, & unique abilities to create more money in your life. This is an art & a science. I take you on a step by step process & Framework to uncover your money making genius.
I can't wait to get started helping you make more money!
Let Me Know If You Can Relate To This:
- You're looking for a more meaningful & impactful way to make money.
- You know an additional stream of income will help your family financially.
- You are over worked & underpaid trading your time for money
- You say to yourself, "I know I'm made for more. I'm here to do good things on this planet."
- Instead of working, you much prefer spending time with friends, family, & your passions in life.
- You desire to create wealth for you & your family for lifetimes to come.

You can 1,000% use your talents, passions, and unique gifts to create an additional stream of income & make more money. The quickest way to do it is:
The Financial Freedom Framework
Designed to guide you through a step by step process to create an additional stream of income that
lights you the F*** up 🔥.

The Financial Freedom Framework is the Quickest Way To Build Additional Streams of Income Having Your Money Work For You
✨Make More Money Working Less✨

The Million Dollar Question is:
How do you ever expect to learn how to make money work for you without creating an additional stream of income that gives you
Financial Freedom? ✨

Module 1: Money On The Mind 🧠

Module 2: How Money Works: The Energy Of Money ✨
Module 3: The Foundation of Money 🏦

Module 4: Declaring Your Money & Life Vision💫
Module 5: Creating Your Financial Freedom Money System 💸

Graduation & Bonus Vault 🔑
Upon completion of Financial Freedom Academy, receive an exclusive offer from yours truly with additional money making masterclasses & trainings in the forever growing bonus section. 🎓

Why You Can No Longer Afford
Only Having One Stream Of Income 🙅🏼♀️🚫
- Multiple streams of income ensures if a job loss happens, you still have some money coming your way each month, alleviating money stress if you experience job loss or another pandemic.
- Multiple streams of income is a key way to becoming a millionaire and continuing to maintain wealth throughout your lifetime & your children's lifetime.
- It doesn't matter if you have an additional income stream idea or know the first step. What actually matters is that you are willing to learn how to make money work for you.
- You will absolutely become successful because you have the step by step process getting you from trading your time for money to creating multiple streams of income working less & making more money.
- You have the same time in your day as Beyonce. What matters is how committed you are to spend more time with family, friends, less time working & more time living.

$2,000 working 4 Hours A Month From His Phone
Digital Rental Car Business
I took the leap into FFA because I left the military after 4 years and was stuck finding my purpose and passion in a traditional "shitty job." No job or college degree interested me. I tried construction, EMT, elementary school support staff, fire technology, nursing, P.E.teaching, & dropping out of college 3 times. The turning point for me was asking myself:
"What the hell am I working for? I'm working to retire for a couple years & then die of a heart attack."
Once I learned the Financial Freedom Framework inside FFA, I dove into creating a business & building an additional stream of income. "It finally clicked for me: I want to work for myself, support my family, & win back what is really important which is my time." The passive income streams I have created gave me my time back. The time to do the things I actually care about. I care about spending time with my family, my health, & training in martial arts. I don't trade time for money, I create effective passive income streams to make money work for me. If I can sit on the coach and make money while hanging out with my wife and dogs watching YouTube Videos, it is a no brainer."

You Get:
- 5 Live Group Coaching Calls with Bre to answer all your questions & help you create additional streams of income
- Bonus** 1:1 90 Minute Coaching Intensive with Bre
- 5 packed modules loaded with lessons, workbooks, audio tracks, activations, & meditations, teaching you exactly how to create additional streams of income & how to manage your money to work for you.
- Lifetime course access with curriculum updates!
- Access to the forever growing Money Making Bonus Vault
- Private Group access to connect & gain support with Bre & other students going through the program in between live calls.
💲The Digital Financial Freedom Money System Bonus allows you 100% customization with your financial goals making managing your money so easy, breezy, and SIMPLE.
🎉 Special Additional Income Stream Offer From Bre Herself upon graduating FFA guaranteeing an additional stream of income from completing the course, how juicy! 🌶️😉
Plus So Much More Inside The Money Making Bonus Vault!

If you are not completely blown away by the content and experience of your education inside Financial Freedom Academy after fully completing & trying module 1 within 30 days of purchase, simply send me an email for a full refund.
I will honor this guarantee because I am committed to giving the best experience for my students. If we are not the right fit I am here to rectify the situation.
I'm Ready for FFA! Join Waitlist
How I Got Here
Isn't it interesting how school doesn't teach us about money, entrepreneurship, or creating stability with multiple streams of income? In school, they tell us to go to college, & get ONE job to work our whole lives. That doesn't work anymore in the today's economic climate. Times are changing.
I remember sneaking out in the middle of the night to throw away bags of trash in neighboring trashcans since my family didn't have enough money to cover trash services. I was in High School when the recession hit the United States where my mom lost the job she held for 25 years to support our family. Around the same time, I remember my 8th grade history teacher lecturing to the class, "College graduates earn a million dollars more in their lifetime vs non college graduates." I didn't want my children to live through the same money stresses that I did. I decided right there and then I was going to college.
A big plot twist was then realizing I wanted to be in education where we know the pay can be LOW. I didn't let that stop be from building wealth & financial freedom. I realized the importance of not relying on just one job or income, and that true stability came from multiple sources of income. I learned how to make my teacher income work for ME building additional streams of income.
In my 5th year of teaching, a huge curveball was thrown: my teaching job was slowly killing me. I was making over $75,000 a year with my teaching job, but I realized the time I was trading for the money, wasn't worth it to me anymore. The stress from my teaching job was causing health problems, marriage problems, & I had to learn a different way to make money that got me excited every morning to create.
In the span of 5 years, I created 12 streams of income with 2 businesses and 2 rental real estate properties to supplement my teaching income. Once I connected and realized that money flows easily and effortlessly especially when I am happy, in alignment, and lit the Fuck up with my daily life, it was game changer for me. I had zero worries and zero stress making my way out of the classroom & leaving my 9-5 job taking back my health, happiness, & marriage.
We are not here to work jobs we hate for a paycheck, we are here to enjoy life and create the income & life we desire.
After teaching for 5 years, I made the transition out of my traditional teaching job & made the leap to work for myself full time ---> now I help you do the same.
Let's Dive In To Creating Your Life Of Financial Freedom!