Last updated February 29, 2024

You Are Made For More

Heal your money blocks, step into your full potential, & create the impact the world is needing from you. 

1:1 Private Coaching

I'm Ready ✨

You Love The Idea Of Creating The Life & Money You Desire

And you know that to create the impact and income you desire, you need to feel confident & empowered to bravely step into your full potential and take action. But here's the problem... 

You're not currently feeling connected with your money making purpose and mission. 

If you're like most heart led entrepreneurs, you feel the push that you're here to deeply help the world. You are struggling to figure out how to receive money simply for helping people, being your authentic self, & healing the world. 

Let's face it... no one benefits from people feeling disempowered around money, feeling guilt to charge for their services, or staying paralyzed in fear to launch a new business. 

At this point, you must be thinking, "There's got to be a better way. I am Made For More."

To feel lighter, brighter, and excited about money

To see all the opportunities to create more money.

To be paid just for simply being yourself and helping other people. 

Good News >>> There is a way to create the life and money you desire. 




You can create the Life, Money, Business, & Relationship you desire without feeling guilt or playing small. 

 Imagine what it will feel like when:

✨You leave the job that is draining your soul & decide to step into your money making purpose. 

✨You have a deep knowing of your purpose & mission here on earth.

You embody your personal power, unique gifts, and special abilities to bring healing to the world while receiving great money in return. 

✨You become healed of the money blocks draining your creative spirit having endless energy to enjoy your life while creating a beautiful business that helps raise the consciousness of the planet.

✨ You experience the time and financial freedom to be the mother, wife, friend, and business owner you dream about embodying. 

✨Wake up full of purpose. Excited to sell your offers, create for your business, and lead with confidence. 

✨Have a regulated nervous system allowing you to create and hold more wealth and impact so you can give freely to others while also giving to yourself. Never having to worry about lack of money again. 

Healing Your Money Blocks is the Quickest way to create the impact & income you desire.


I am so happy I chose to work with Bre.

I felt stuck, blocked and just heavy.

After working with her, I feel like she helped open a channel for my mindset and energy to shift. She helped me surrender to forgiveness, trust my intuition and clear blocks I wasn’t even aware I still had.

I now feel like I have clarity for what I desire and deserve. I would definitely recommend working with her.


Prior to working with Bre, societal conditioning was my biggest challenge. Bre helped me start my coaching and speaking business after I left teaching.

I truly needed to understand my presence and what I bring to this world.

It was the most confirming part of the experience being able to identify with the elements of my being.

Now I move with confidence and a clear knowing of who I am & people I am here to help.



You are what I call, a heart-led entrepreneur. You are here to help heal the collective with your unique gifts, abilities, while being paid (well) to do so. 
I specialize in helping you heal the blocked limiting emotions, thoughts, & beliefs around money that are being held in your energy system so you can embody and BE the wealthy heart open business owner you dream about. 
One of the biggest lies we have been conditioned to believe is making loads of money is greedy, bad, or wrong. This couldn't be farther from the truth. 
We are now shifting into a new paradigm where heart open and soul led entrepreneurs can create massive change to the lives of many on this planet. 
I believe business & money are the quickest way to heal the collective for the betterment of all. This is an honor and I am so excited to hold the space for you to grow into the heart-led business owner you are born to be.
I'm Ready ✨💸🌹


I felt trapped within myself. I felt stuck and unsure of every step I took. I had issues with my friends, family and other relationships in my life. And I wasn’t sure what was causing all this anxiety and uneasiness. After,  I honestly feel like I’m in a new state of mind, perhaps even a new body.

Working with Bre gave me clarity on the issues in my life and ways to help me stay in this constant state of rebirth and positivity. I am so happy I chose to work with Bre.







Breanna has been a beautiful soul to work with. She inspired me to manifest in ways I have not tried and to not give up the good fight. She reinstated the fact that I am here to be a light, bring love to the world ,and guide those who are open to receiving. -Margaret 

Made For More

 Private Healing & Coaching Programs

With Bre

A note on investing in yourself...

In the last couple years I've invested upwards of $100,000 in my healing, training programs, workshops, retreats, intensives, high level coaching, and other forms of transformational modalities. All in the pursuit of preparing myself to do this work. There is nothing I find more important then investing in my own expansion personally and professionally. I do this not only to be the best coach I can be, but also because I believe investing in myself is a beautiful act of self love.


The value that is given in any of my packages & programs are priceless. I can confidently say that the energetic exchange that happens in these offers will drastically shift your life in miraculous ways. 

I truly believe that if any of these programs are for you, you can feel the full body yes in your body. You're hearing the call. If that's the case you can trust your Universe and that you will always be supported in your expansion and healing. I believe we have a soul agreement to work with each other & that is why you are on this page.

If you need help deciding which program is right for you, you can book a 1:1 discovery call or email me at [email protected] to share with me your current struggles, dreams, and desires & figure out what program is right for you.

Book A Discovery Call ✨

Single Healing Sessions With Bre