Last updated February 29, 2024

This is How You Manage Your Money Like A Bada$$

I'm Ready 💫


〰️You Say No More 

to money anxiety checking your bank account or feeling guilt when spending your money. 


〰️You Desire

to leave your children with wealth and assets - Breaking generational money trauma & struggles once and for all. 


〰️You Have Goals In Your Life

Paying Off Debt is a priority.
You have goals toward- purchasing a home, an investment property, or building an additional stream of income with the potential of creating a business working for yourself full time.


〰️Your Financial IQ is Important To You

You understand the power & value of learning from a mentor - someone who has been exactly where you are - teaching & showing you how to create your financial money plan that supports all your goals & dreams.


〰️You Declare

to create a beautiful life for yourself where you have it ALL: a fat savings account, multiple investments, and a passion fueled business that creates money easily and effortlessly. 

To have a solid - easy to follow money plan - that will get you the results you want: Paying off debt, investing into multiple accounts, saving, spending, creating more money - doing all the money things - with confidence & strong personal power.

I know exactly why you're struggling with your finances & inside MMM you will learn the exact steps to create a new normal with your money. 


✅ Debt Paid off 

✅ Investments Made Monthly

✅ An Abundance of Cash To Play With & Enjoy 

✅ Stacking Cash in your savings account

✅ While making more money in less time

Learn exactly how I went from $236 in my checking account to where I am now ---> A money managing queen.

I will take you through my 5 step process of creating a money system that works FOR YOU. This is a very unique & transformative process where at the end you will have a SOLID, unfuckwithable money plan that you leave you feeling inspired and READY to take action ON - ASAP.  


Step & Module 1 - Declaring Your Life & Financial Vision:

"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight with no vision," This famous quote from Helen Keller holds DEEP truth & I am here for it. Feeling confident around your goals is 100% needed when managing your money. 

In this step, I guide you through an expansive journey of self discovery & goal setting. This is where you FINALLY declare what you want out of life. All your desires, dreams, goals, & HOW you want to use your money. *Past students LOVE this step*

Step & Module 2 -Know Thy Numbers: 

Being a money managing Bada$$ is all about knowing your financial numbers. Counting money is FUN.

Now we're starting to get into the nitty gritty of your money. This is where we take a look at how much money is coming in and out of our account. 

An extremely powerful step 🔥

Step & Module 3 - Fix the BullSh!t: 

Listen, I see your full potential, and if you're serious about creating your beautiful, abundant, and wealthy As F*** life.. then you need to fix the things you do with your money - I'm talking overspending- & other money habits. Spending holds so much POWER in our Financial lives & it NEEDS to be addressed (which is why this step exists).

This is where you question your money habits and instead use your money to align you to your best possible financial outcome. 

Step & Module 4- Creating Your Solid Money System

This is where *MORE* fun continues. I teach you my secrets and foolproof system on how to manage your money that feels free, creative, and dare I say.. Fun? I give you all the details that lead to me to saving $50,000 + in cash & led me to--> invest in multiple real estate properties & create multiple streams of income. 

Step & Module 5- Run The Play. 

This is where you put your $$ where your mouth is 🤑. After you have cleaned up some things around your spending & old habits & created your financial money plan, it is time to Run the mother F***ing PLAY! This is what we have been working for this entire process! You have all the pieces figured out, now all you have to do is take ACTION -

Action is so damn easy once you see the end result. You have a solid money plan getting you there quicker 😉


  • The Famous MMM Digital Money Tracker - the easiest way to track & manage your money every month. 
  • Digital Debt Calculator - the most effective way to track & eliminate your debt by creating a solid payoff plan.
  • Money Management Workbook - to accompany you through each lesson and action step. 
  • A Forever growing Bonus Section - with even more teachings and resources to help you increase your financial IQ & create financial freedom. 
  • Life Time Access to the course and all updates in the future.

Once you purchase Money Management Makeover, you will gain access to the learning portal. Your learning portal is where all your video lessons, worksheets & resources are located. 

At any time throughout your Money Management Journey, you have the option of working with Bre 1:1 as you work together - guaranteeing success. 

You can start MMM right after purchasing and complete the whole process in as short of time as you decide on. This can take you 3 days or a month - you determine the outcome based upon your work ethic & perseverance. 

You will receive LifeTime Access to the course and all updates in the future. 

Self Paced


Complete MMM on your own.

  • Gain Instant Access to Money Management Makeover & ALL Bonuses to start ASAP.
Purchase Here

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Private Client Upgrade

💥VIP 1:1 level support from Bre for an entire month while you complete MMM.


💥Private Financial Audits & Money strategy calls with Bre as you work through each step of Money Management Makeover. 

💥Unlimited private messaging access for the entire month.

Upgrade to VIP

I FEEL you, I Hear You, I Understand You.

Hi I'm Bre - your New Money & Success Coach ✨

probably similar to you, I grew up in a family that STRESSED about money. One of my first memories about money is learning that we don't have enough of it - this was when I was in 4th grade 😬.  This is the exact moment where I created a subconscious money block. I attached a trauma bond of scarcity and lack to money.

Fast forward to High School when the recession hit the United States & my mom lost her job she held for 25 years to support our family. 

I remember sneaking out in the middle of the night to throw away bags of trash in neighboring trashcans since my family didn't have enough money to cover trash services. This was my sophomore year of High school. 😅 It was an interesting ride. 

A big plot twist was then realizing I wanted to be in education where we know the pay can be LOW.

But that didn't stop me from building wealth & financial freedom.

I learned how to make my income work for ME by creating a solid Money Management Plan & building a solid Financial Foundation. 

With this exact Money Management system, I invested into multiple real estate properties, invested into creating two businesses, & created multiple streams of income that support my family. I travel, I enjoy my life, I circulate money, I invest, I do all the vibey things I desire to do with my money - & it feels so good. 

It is my honor to help you through the same process, but quicker, faster, more effective. Because you're not here to waste time. You're not available for financial worry & stress. You're available for connecting with your mission, helping people & creating beauty on this planet. 

Frequently Asked Questions